Why has the pool water turned green?

Probably the most common issue experienced by swimming pool owners. We have been told, numerous times, that the pool water turned green suddenly, overnight...

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Factors That Affect the Color of Pool Water


Probably the most common issue experienced by swimming pool owners. We have been told, numerous times, that the pool water turned green suddenly, overnight. There are various reasons why this can happen.


Α) Low values of free chlorine, due to:

  • Insufficient amount of disinfectant. This can occur by cause of an unexpected event, such as a storm, high number of people using the pool, strong winds, high temperatures, etc. All of the above, influence the levels of free chlorine, since its consumption is increased in order to handle the extra workload. Hence, whenever we experience situations that disrupt the chemical balance of water, we need to be quick on our feet, and continuously test the disinfectant levels.
  • High values of isocyanuric acid. We already know that, as the season ends, values of isocyanuric acid are quite high. As a result, chlorine hyper-stabilizes in the water and does not kill algae, bacteria and microorganisms. In this case, the pool’s chlorine needs are highly increased.


Β) Poor filtration

  • Water filtering is factoring around 70% of the water’s quality, so it is extremely important that our means of filtration are in good condition and effectively filter a large part of the water’s load. It is very common in sand filters, for the sand to solidify and form biofilm (microorganism colonies and canals) reducing its effectiveness. The solution to that problem is substituting sand with NatureWorks glass solution, which does not form biofilm or canals, does not solidify and has a higher life span compared to sand.


Nature Works Filter Media


C) High phosphate levels

  • It is certain that phosphates exist in the pool water, through various sources. Algae feed on phosphates, which help on their development, and as a result, the water turns green if the appropriate conditions are met. Solving this issue requires a specialized chemical, Starver X, which removes phosphates from the water and stops algae from growing out of control. Another added benefit of using Starver X is reducing the amount of disinfectant you need, improving its action and, consequently the concentration of isocyanuric acid.


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