Stains on the pool walls

Surely if you have stains on the walls of the pool, you will have happened to scrub them and the stains remain. The stains we commonly encounter are salts, metals, and yellowish stains from sunscreens and oils.

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Surely if you have stains on the walls of the pool, you will have happened to scrub them and the stains remain. The stains we commonly encounter are salts, metals, and yellowish stains from sunscreens and oils. Each type of stain has a corresponding chemical that we can use. The stains we usually face are as follows:


  • If it is full and we have scale stains on the waterline then we can use  No More Scale, which reduces the hardness of the water and also removes scale deposits on the surfaces.


  • If it’s full and we have yellowish sunscreen stains then we can treat them with< wpml_nbsp >Ultra Kleer Clarifier, which is a natural 100% biodegradable product that binds and removes oils and sunscreens from both surfaces and the waterline and from the pool water.Αν είναι γεμάτη και έχουμε κιτρινωπούς λεκέδες από αντηλιακά τότε μπορούμε να τα αντιμετωπίσουμε με το Ultra Kleer Clarifier, το οποίο είναι ένα φυσικό 100% βιοδιασπώμενο προϊόν που δεσμεύει και απομακρύνει τα λάδια και τα αντηλιακά τόσο από τις επιφάνειες και την ίσαλο γραμμή όσο και από το νερό της πισίνας.


  • Finally, a difficult stain is that of metals. To remove metal stains from surfaces, apply the specialized chemical locally Multi Stain Remover. The metals that have  settled are redissolved in the water and thus removed from the surfaces. Somehow we have to remove these dissolved metals from the water because once we put chlorine in the water then they can settle on the surfaces and the water will change color. We achieve this by using the specialized chemical  No More Metal, which binds metals and removes them in the filter. Every time we add fresh water to the pool we should add it No More Metal to bind the metals and prevent them from causing problems either in the pool or to hair and swimsuits.


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