How safe is a pool for infants and pregnant women?

Pool safety and hygiene should be a top priority, especially if you have infants or are pregnant.

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How safe is a pool for infants and pregnant women?


Pool safety and hygiene should be a top priority, especially if you have infants or are pregnant.

Parents are often concerned that the participation of young children in Baby Swimming programs may increase the risk of infection, respiratory or skin problems.

However, when the maintenance of the pool and the maintenance of the water quality are excellent, then the risk to the health of children and pregnant women is the minimum possible.

According to the regulations an ideal pool for infants and pregnant women should be at a temperature of 30-34°C, which means that this pool will be used exclusively for infant swimming programs. For infants, it is recommended to use the pool from the age of 3 months.


But let’s see what happens to the sources of contamination and how disinfection can be done correctly.

  The main sources of contamination in a pool designed and built for baby swimming are the same as the sources of contamination of any pool. The source of the water, the natural environment that surrounds the pool, the poorly maintained water filter, etc. Bathers are also a key factor in pool water contamination. In the case of baby swimming, infants are protagonists in this field. Body fluids and waste in pool water are a source of contamination and make it difficult for disinfectants and water disinfection methods to work. It is very important that before the bathers enter the pool, the established shower should be taken and the use of special bathing suits – which hold back – for infants should be ensured. For example, body fluids are: urine, vomit, nasal secretions, etc. We also have similar bodily fluids from pregnant women. All contaminants require the presence of a disinfectant in the pool water and/or the use of a disinfection method to neutralize them. It is therefore very important that the disinfection and maintenance of water quality become the basis of legislation and international guidelines. We can disinfect with liquid or solid chlorine, salt electrolysis and UV. Based on national legislation, the presence of available (free) chlorine in the water at a concentration of 1-3 ppm is necessary. To achieve this, chemicals or a salt electrolysis system are used. The disinfection system with UV lamps as well as the ozone generator should be considered complementary methods of disinfection. But the main problem with the secretion of body fluids is the reaction they have with chlorine and chloramines are created. Chloramines evaporate from the water and are a pathogen responsible for respiratory problems experienced by professional swimmers and swimming instructors. The characteristic smell of chlorine is due to chloramines. So we need to know that when we visit a swimming pool and there is a strong smell of chlorine (it’s actually chloramines and not chlorine) something is wrong with the quality of the air and therefore the water. Baby swimming pools, due to the high water temperatures and the many babies, are among the most demanding in terms of proper disinfection and maintaining the chemical balance of the pool water. For this reason, we recommend additional chemical products that improve water quality and significantly reduce the production of chloramines. We recommend to the maintainers of these swimming pools, the use of a specialized chemical of Ultra-Pool Clarifier, a completely natural, non-toxic, 100% biodegradable product. This product offers a rapid clarifying action and removes oils, fats secreted by human skin, dissolved minerals and dead algae spores. Similarly, the Starver® X product, which consists of natural polymer components, removes the food of microorganisms and algae while increasing the effectiveness of the disinfectants used and improving water clarity within 24 hours. With its use, the need for chlorine is reduced and thus the production of chloramines.  

Do not participate in baby swimming programs if…

  • The swimming pool is not clean enough
  • If there is a strong odor of chlorine (chloramines)
  • The facilities do not inspire you with security
  • If there is insufficient heating, suitable for infants and pregnant women
  • If you are not familiar with the disinfection methods used by the pool


Which pools to choose?

According to the legislation only in swimming pools with chlorine disinfectant as it is the only approved method. In pools where the current temperature value is displayed prominently for all to see. And always check the cleanliness of the surrounding area, since germs and pathogens can be transferred to the pool water.  

Is a swimming pool really safe?

Of course, with a necessary condition for the safety of children and pregnant women, the proper maintenance of the pool and the excellent quality and temperature of the water. It is safe and even strengthens the immune system of children.

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